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  [ȰϹ] ػ (King Sejong Literacy Prize)
  ۾ : ϴþ    ۾ : 08-10-08 14:41    8024    
  Ʈ ּ : http://iskyi.com/iskyi4/bbs/tb.php/hanliqna/130

ػ(King Sejong Literacy Pirze) ѱ (ܱ) 1989⿡ 1990 ûؿ ִ μ, , Ư ߵ (ٽ) ޿ ũ ⿩ /ü/ⱸ 2() ų(9 8 ) ûմϴ.

ĺ ׽ ȸ , Ǵ ׽ڿ 踦 ΰ ִ αⱸ 2 õ ֽϴ.

ڴ ɻ õ ׽ 繫 մϴ. ɻ ׽ 繫 ȹ Ӹ о λ ּ 5 Ǹ, ȸ ػ, ػ ɻ մϴ.

ڿ ȭ 1 5,000Ұ , ޴ ϸ, û ų 98 ϴ.

ġ ,
Ǵ ġ ,
ġ ķ ,
ġ 簳 ,
ġ м,
ġȹ ̸ ,
ûҳ ġ ,
ġ ִ ̴.

1ȸ(1990): дȭ (ε)
2ȸ(1991): α()
3ȸ(1992): (ε)
4ȸ(1993): (丣)
5ȸ(1994): Ƣ (Ƣ)
6ȸ(1995): ð񿩼 Ʒ ȹ(Ƶ), ߱γ࿬(߱)
7ȸ(1996): ƶ װ ȭ(ƶ), ͵ ׽ Ŭ(̷)
8ȸ(1997): ڼȰ Ʈ ' ' α׷(ʸ), ȸ()
9ȸ(1998): α Ѱ(Ʈ), ġ 󼳱ⱸ()
10ȸ(1999): ιءƷñ(), η°ߺ()
11ȸ(2000): ûҳⱳ(̶ũ), رʱ(װ)
12ȸ(2001): ƼȽ ȸ(߱), Է-Ҿ ر(ŸƼ ȭ)
13ȸ(2002): γĵ ȸ(Űź), α ƶ(Ʈ), īŸ쳪 α ī ܵ Ϻ ACCU, ؿ ߸ü α׷
14ȸ(2003): ī ۹ٷ ȸ (the Tembaletu Community Education Centre in South Africa), Ŭ(the International Reflect Circle, CIRAC)

15ȸ(2004): AlfaSol(Solidarity in Literacy)(), ûؼ() ر (the Steering Group of Literacy Education in Qinghai
16ȸ(2005): AULAȭȸ(), GOAL()
17ȸ(2006): ڱ(Mother Child Education Foundation)(Ű), ̡߳ij (Youth and Adult Literacy and Education
Chair of the Latin American and Caribbean Pedagogical Institute)()
18ȸ(2007): NGO Ƶ Ʈ(Children's Book Project)(źڴϾ), NGO 佺ź(Tostan)(װ)
19ȸ(2008): ൿ Reflect and HIV/AIDS", BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation) BBC-RAW(Reading and Writing)"

ó : ׽ ѱȸ Ȩ

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ػ (King Sejong Literacy Prize)
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